Online COUrse

The Manager OS

Reclaim Your Time: The Game-Changing Operating System Every Manager Needs
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Effective manager operating systems can supercharge your leadership impact

Most managers want the best for both themselves and their teams.
One thing holds them back: Time. There is just not enough of it.

Successful leaders:

- Control their time, focusing on the high-value activities they know will make the biggest impact.
- Empower their teams to do their best work.
- Build a strong personal network they call on to help solve problems fast.
- Create engaging workplaces that inspire teams.
- Find and protect time for reflection and strategic thinking, staying ahead of the game.
- Achieve outstanding results.

Leading a team is so rewarding, both personally and professionally, if you're doing it well.

Yet, many managers struggle, never feeling on the front foot. They describe:
 Juggling multiple responsibilities
 Having a never-ending to-do list 
 Little time for deeper strategic thinking
 Stuck in endless meetings.
 Prioritising their team's needs over their own 
 Feeling overwhelmed and looking for ways to regain control.

Yet it doesn't need to be that way!
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Manager OS will help you thrive as a leader.

With years as a corporate leader and a decade as a Leadership Coach and Trainer, I know the strategies and tactics that help managers:  

 Reclaim their time
 Think More Strategically
 Engage better with their team
 Improve their influence and impact
 Achieve exceptional results. 

Manager OS is an operating system that makes the manager role easier, allowing you to reclaim your time and be the leader you want to be. Let me show you how.

Hi there! I'm Helen Bryant 👋

I am on a mission to help you reclaim your time and be an exceptional leader. Why? Because I know that when people lead well, they create brilliant workplaces and achieve amazing results for themselves, their teams and their organisations.

As a leadership coach and trainer myself, I've worked with clients all over the world. The strategies I share in this course are some of the most commonly requested in the workshops and coaching sessions I have run. 

With Manager OS, you will learn the manager operating system you can easily use to set yourself up for success in how you manage and lead your team.

I've also created a suite of templates and tools, which you can start using straight away.

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."  

James Clear - Atomic Habits

Inside the course, you will find all you need to quickly set up your own Manager Operating System

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Comprehensive Lessons

Short video lessons explain why these systems are essential and how to quickly set up your own Manager OS.

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Tools & templates

A full suite of templates and tools you can use straight away. 

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Step-by-Step Guides

Guides to help you put it all into action.

With Manager OS, you'll gain access to the game-changing operating system every manager needs for success. This approach will boost productivity, enhance team collaboration, and give you time. Say hello to a seamless workflow that empowers you to lead with confidence.

Time is your most valuable asset, and I want to help you make the most of it. 

What clients say about me...

 Helen's Leadership programme has given me the skills, resources and information to manage. I would highly recommend it if you have just become a manager. It has transformed how I manage my team. I am so much more confident.

Helen has helped me build my confidence, communicate better with my team and ensure I’m the best manager and leader possible as I made my first hires. 
Shani Higgs

Helen is great to work with as she shares honest feedback and focused questions to help me get the answers I need.
Claire Hughes

Helen's course is an excellent management course where I built skills that have been immediately useful in the workplace. I always find that I learn the most from putting what I have learned into practice, and this course helped me do this so well. 
- Liam

What's Inside Each Module?


Find out how together the most out of the course, and all the resources available to help you.

Part 1 - Foundations

Discover what a good Manager OS comprises and why it will help you be a better leader.
How a CAT😺 can step change your leadership - This simple, proven framework acts as a north star to help you lead brilliantly.
You will learn about the Manager OS planning schedule and get those critical dates in your diary.
This quarterly planning and delivery system will ensure you and your team nail your goals.

Part 2 - Clarity

Clarity precedes success. In part 2, you will learn: 
How to set the direction for your team to ensure you deliver your goals.
How to set priorities that keep everyone clear on what needs doing.
How to deliver your people responsibilities to get the most out of your team.
How to find time for deeper strategic thinking.

Part 3 - Alignment

You may have the best plans in the world, but if those around you are not on the same page, you will not achieve them.
In part 3, you will learn:
How to align the individuals in your team, and how you can better engage and empower them week in and week out.
How to have gold standard One-On-Ones that your team loves.
How to delegate to free up your time and create valued work for your team.
How to build your network of colleagues to get better results and be seen as the influential leader you want to be.

Part 4 - Teamwork 

We explore how to optimise your team meetings so that both as individuals and as a team, everyone is super clear what is expected of them and work together to achieve those goals.
Create routines to help improve teamwork.

Part 5 - Manager OS Workflow

I walk you through the entire planning system, sharing question prompts as we go.
See the tools and templates in action so that you are ready to start your own.

This course is for you if...

  You are a manager of a team.

 You feel like you never have enough time.

 You often feel like you are on the back foot with no time to think and plan strategically.

 You are looking for ways to improve how you and your team work together.

 You struggle with the "people" stuff.

 You have had little or no training in managing and leading a team, and you feel there must be a better way of achieving your goals.

 You have ambitions to lead bigger teams and are looking for ways to get ahead.

 You are new to management and looking for ways to set yourself up for success.


Buy today and start your journey towards reclaiming your time and being a brilliant leader.

What's included:
- Master the skills at your own pace with access to the comprehensive set of video modules and lessons
- Step-by-step guidance to help you learn and implement your own Manager OS
- Tools and templates for you to use straightaway
- Bonus resources
- Lifetime access 

Frequently asked questions

What's included?

You get lifetime access to the course, including the video lessons, action plans and tools and templates, including planning questions prompts and worksheets, and more.

I'm not a manager yet - can I do this course anyway?

This course is designed for managers and focuses on specific skills and systems for that role. Although you will get some benefits, such as understanding how these systems can help managers achieve their goals, you will get more benefits when you are a manager and can put the course fully into practice.

What is the time commitment for the course?

The course is made up of 4 hours of online content. I suggest breaking it up into 2 or 3 sessions, but you can go through the whole course if you like. I have broken out actions into quick wins, things you can start doing immediately, and actions that make sense to do over the coming quarter as you do your day-to-day work.

What topics and skills does the course cover? 

In the course, we cover the systems every manager needs to have to manage their time. Firstly, systems that give clarity to your and your team's direction, including team planning and delivery, people planning, and personal development. And then systems that maintain alignment with your team and stakeholders, including One-On-Ones, effective delegation, stakeholder management, and how to improve team communication to save everyone time.

How will the course benefit busy managers in their day-to-day work?

Manager OS will give you systems, frameworks and skills that will help you save time and focus on the highest-value work you can do. It will give you quick wins you can put into action straight ways and guide you through some of the bigger changes you may choose to implement to your way of working. The tools, templates and questions prompts will help you do the right thing at the best time.

What format does the course follow?

The course is predominantly video based. All the videos are short, between 3 and 12 minutes long. There are many eGuides, downloadable PDF support docs, and a suite of templates (Excel/Google Sheets).

Is there a money-back guarantee if the course does not meet my expectations

Yes.  We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee because I want you to be confident in your decision to invest in my course. If, within the first 30 days of enrolment, you've given the course a sincere try and find it doesn't meet your expectations, we'll gladly refund your purchase. 

Is there a payment plan?

No, there is no payment plan. I have deliberately priced the course at a relatively accessible price point so that as many people as possible can benefit from it.
You may find that your employer will be willing to fund it for you. Here is some information on how you can do that. INSERT LINK

Can the course be accessed on various devices?

Yes, the course is both desktop, tablet and mobile friendly. Just log in via your browser. 

What are you waiting for?

Discover the systems and frameworks to recharge your leadership, including...

 How a CAT😺 can step change your leadership - This simple proven framework acts as a north star to help you lead brilliantly.
How to set the direction for your team so everyone is crystal clear about where they are heading.
A quarterly planning and delivery system that will ensure you and your team nail your goals
How to better connect with and influence your team, week in and week out.
A system to delegate and empower your team.
 How to manage your stakeholders to increase your influence and impact.

Plus, step-by-step guides and all the tools and templates you need to put it quickly into practice.
 If you have questions, I'll be there to help.

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Buy the course today and start reclaiming your time and being a brilliant leader

A word from me...

I created all of this course and resources you see here. This is a labour of love, as I know these are the systems and skills that help managers get ahead.

Once these systems are in place, I see leaders thrive as they ask themselves the right questions at the right time, connect and empower their teams better. 

Working as a leadership coach has given me fantastic opportunities to travel and meet incredibly interesting people, I know I have helped grow in confidence, influence and impact. I hope I can do the same for you. 

Learn more about me on my:
Website / LinkedIn / YouTube
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 Free PDF guide

The Leader's Blueprint

Find out if you have the skills and systems to lead successfully in today's complex workplace.

This free 20-page guide shares five core skill sets leaders need today, plus tips for putting them into practice.
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