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Welcome! I am so glad you have joined me.

You’ll receive my newsletter, Leadership Accelerator, this coming Friday.

My mission is to help you become the leader you want to be. I help ambitious managers reclaim their time and lead high performing teams.

There are 4 steps you can take right now…

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1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Here I share free lessons and step-by-step videos covering the skills leaders need to reclaim their time and lead a high-performing team.

Not sure where to start? Try my curated playlists on topics like Communication and One-on-Ones to help you get ahead.

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2. Enrol on my Manager's OS Course

If you are a manager of a team, I want to help you reclaim your time and focus on the activities that will make the biggest difference to you and your team.

Finding time to get ahead as a leader can feel like you are walking through mud. Your to-do list is never-ending, and you can feel your time is not your own.  

I created this course to give managers the operating systems that make life easier. It is the result of 10 years as a leadership trainer and coach and seeing the strategies that have the biggest impact on my clients.

In this 4-hour online course, you will learn:

- A simple operating system that helps you structure your time and focus to ensure you spend the right amount of time on high-value activities that make a difference to you and your team.
- Strategies and tactics to improve teamwork and communication within your team and save everyone time.
- Where to focus your energy right now to get the biggest impact.
- Plus, get a full suite of tools and templates to put it into action immediately.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck and want to reclaim your time and get ahead, this is the plan I would use.  

The Manager's OS
How to reclaim your time and lead with more impact and confidence.
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3. Ready for more?  Join my 3-6 month Leaders Coaching programme 

If you are an experienced manager and really serious about taking your leadership skills to the next level, you can best join LEADER'S LAB, my coaching programme.

It's an investment, and you shouldn't join until you're really serious about taking your next leadership step. When you are ready, you will join others who are ambitious to be the leader they want to be.

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4. Download my Free Leader's Blueprint Guide

This free 20-page PDF Guide outlines what I consistently see that sets high-performing leaders apart from the rest. 

It breaks down the skills and strategies time-strapped managers follow to reclaim their time and lead teams that excel.
Leaders Blueprint Front Cover
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I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Talk soon, Helen

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